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New Delhi
Monday, 17 February 2025

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Islam-Islamism Difference Specious, French...

A columnist makes mincemeat of Sylviane Agacinski’s argument that Islam and Islamism are different, a bid to give the menacing extremist ideology a clean chit

Taj Mahal: Barking Up...

Since the late 1990s, revisionist PN Oak's repeatedly rubbished conspiracy theory on the Taj Mahal has been rearing its head time and again

प्राचीन तमिल नाडु में...

ईसाई युग से सदियों पहले दक्षिण भारत में एक नवपाषाणकालीन पशु-पालन की सनातन संस्कृति थी तथा पाँचवीं शताब्दी तक आज के तमिल नाडु में एक विकसित सभ्यता का उदय हुआ था

Surya Sen: Freedom Fighter...

Masterda Surya Sen spent his time in prison, waiting for 11 months to be hanged, in the company of Srimadbhagavadgita, Chandi, the Mahabharata and Rabindranath Thakur's Chayanika

Rivers Of Rgveda Explores...

'… Vedic geography is no longer an object of wild speculation,' writes historian Koenraad Elst, having read Rivers of Rgveda, in the foreword of the book, an exploration of Purana in Vedic light

Romila Thapar Had Begun...

Romila Thapar during her formative years showed the potential to pull the thread but she left it, as it was not rewarding as it still isn't

Etymology Of ‘Hindu’ Unsettled...

In all cases of streams of the Indus, Sindhu has been used while compounding; this Sapta-Sindhu mutates into Hapta-Hindu and Sindhu into Hindu

Akbar Didn’t Create Bangla...

So clever was the Scroll article of 2015 that even after recognising the Surya Siddhanta, it attributed the Bengali calendar to Akbar in the headline

Haldighati: Beginning, Not End,...

A closer look into why historians have not done justice to the larger impact of the Battle of Haldighati on its anniversary

Rammohun Roy: How Rajiv...

What excuse is there for a shoddy investigation into Raja Rammohun Roy by Rajiv Malhotra and his glossing over the side-lining of Sanskrit by the heroes of Hindutva?

Reconstructing Ayodhya History To...

In the Ayodhya temple-mosque dispute, the Muslim claim is weak because their faith in the Babri structure wavered much before it went down on 6 December 1992

When Will Hindus Say...

Hindus don't like stories with sad endings. You will...

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Why Bhojshala belongs to Hindus, Muslim claim bogus explained

Bhojshala is regarded as a temple of Vagdevi by Hindus and Kamal Maula Mosque by Muslims; this exposition explains why the Islamic claim is spurious

Nachne, village in MP that might have buried oldest temple in India

Nachne is situated approximately 400 km east of Sanchi, the site of another temple from the Gupta period, which is considered one of the oldest in India

International Women’s Day special: Remarkable ladies in Hindu itihasa

Message on International Women's Day: Do not let a ‘modernist’ look down upon the culture of this nation, based on hearsay and half-baked knowledge

Shankaracharya Hill in Kashmir to which PM Modi bowed

Also known as Gopadri, Sandhimana Parvat, Koh-e-Suleman, and Takht-i-Sulaiman, the Shankaracharya Hill houses Kashmir's oldest temple dedicated to Shiva

Ajmer Dargah demands arrest of Hindu Shakti Dal chief

But the khadim is wrong; history says that the highly respected Khwajah of the Ajmer Dargah harboured a deep-seated animosity towards Hindus

Bhojshala battle begins: Here’s how Hindu demand is legit

A historical guide to Bhojshala in Dhar of Madhya Pradesh where Hindus have been reclaiming a Saraswati yajnashala from Muslims who turned it into a mosque

विष्णु मूर्ति जिसे म्लेच्छों से बचाने जलसमाधि दी गई

जब बहमनी सुल्तान ने यहाँ के मंदिर पर आक्रमण किया तो विष्णु मूर्ति एवं शिवलिंग को म्लेच्छों द्वारा खण्डित होने से बचाने के लिए इन्हें जलसमाधि दे दी गई

ज्ञानवापी ब्रिटिश प्रशासन, विदेशी विशेषज्ञों की नज़र में

ज्ञानवापी के चलते उत्तर भारत में हुए सांप्रदायिक दंगे, बिशप रेजिनल्ड हेबर के साक्ष्य, पुरातत्त्वविद एमए शेरिंग के तर्क, इतिहासकार एडविन ग्रीव्स के लेखन पर लेख

Gurudwaras, temples face existential crisis in Pakistan

A Pakpattan temple bears witness to the interreligious dialogue that shaped Sikhism when gurudwaras were a variant of temples incorporating some Islamic ideals

