Love jihad is invalid as Section 4 of the Special Marriage Act says if the couple is not in a prohibited relationship, marriage is valid, but MPL prohibits it
This is the first case where the prosecution has secured a life term for the convict under the law against love jihad, a Muslim ploy to engineer a demographic change
The wife of the new shahi imam is Shazia who used to be a Hindu before her marriage to Syed Shaban Bukhari on 13 November 2015 at a farmhouse in Delhi's Mahipalpur
अन्नपूर्णी में ब्राह्मण परिवार में जन्मी एक लड़की देश की सर्वश्रेष्ठ शेफ़ बनना चाहती है, लेकिन अपने सपने को साकार करने के लिए उसे मांसाहारी भोजन पकाना पड़ता है
हालांकि मीडिया ने ऐसी अवधारणा बनाई है कि "love jihad" हिन्दू दक्षिणपंथियों द्वारा रचित एक षड़यंत्र सूत्र है, इसका प्रयोग सबसे पहले केरल के ईसाइयों ने किया था
A Muslim may defy the Ahadith or the Shari'ah, but no Muslim can disagree with the Qur'an and yet remain a part of the society of Islam, which is a dangerous ideology for a woman
Following her post on Facebook, the columnist was called to speak on the topic on different forums and advise parents on how to stay clear of love jihad
Inter-faith marriages are being utilised as tools to facilitate irreversible changes to India's religious demography by the vested interests who dream of 'Abrahamising' India and finally complete their unfinished agenda