Tag: Nato

Russia-Ukraine Conflict: The Indian Stand

Learning from a mammoth Nehruvian blunder, Putin has stood firm on his decision vis-à-vis Ukraine. Ironically, new India emerges as a beacon of hope.

Ukraine Endgame And Beyond

The US has made a hash of the situation and lost the respect of friend and foe alike, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict proceeds to the outcome all can foresee

Russia-Vs-Ukraine: War Of Religious Identity

The West fails to grasp that the attack of Russia on Ukraine is a war of religious reclamation by Orthodox Christianity of its core cultural-religious sphere

World Order Is Changing: 2+2 Takeaway

The world is reordering itself to resist Chinese moves with the US, France, Britain and allied countries moving towards military partnerships

War With China & Pakistan Will Propel India’s Rise

India is busy provisioning and war-gaming towards the probability of China's defeat that seems more or less inevitable, given the present realities

China Warrants A Definitive International Response

The contours of a conflict, the shape of an emerging international military confrontation with China that has begun to show its true colours