Tag: Punjab

Akali Dal must not collaborate with ‘Hindu’ BJP: Terrorist-founded outfit

'As the BJP propagates the idea that every Indian is a Hindu and tries to establish a Hindu Rashtra, the Akali Dal must not form an alliance with them'

Adoption of girls by Hindu couples on rise

Punjab and Chandigarh in particular are setting an example in India's progress towards gender equality, particularly evident in adoption statistics

Rachit Kaushik inconvenient for both AAP, BJP

Why Rachit Kaushik is no Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga and how the popular video maker is worse off than BJP karyakartas of West Bengal

पंजाब में हिंदू मंदिर प्रबंधन को धमकी ख़ालिस्तानी आतंकवादी की

ख़ालिस्तानी गुरपतवंत सिंह पन्नूँ ने 16 जनवरी को पंजाब के मुख्यमंत्री भगवंत मान और पुलिस प्रमुख गौरव यादव को भी परोक्ष धमकी जारी की

पंजाब भगवामय श्रीराम के उपलक्ष्य में, बाज़ार में LED lights की किल्लत

बहुप्रतीक्षित अयोध्या राम मंदिर के उद्घाटन के अवसर पर पंजाब के सभी शहरों की प्रमुख सड़कों को projector व LED screens और lights से नया रूप दिया गया है

What Demographic Dividend?

The false hope of a demographic dividend must be dashed, as it is doing nothing but fooling people with a political narrative that has no grounding in economics

Christians In Disguise Vying For Political Share

The impostors are not only donning saffron and distributing the Bible with deceptive pictures, they are also prefixing 'Swamy' to their names

BJP In Modi 2.0 Upsets The Apple Cart

It looks increasingly like the BJP is settling in for decades to come, and the opposition must play backstage, instigating agitationists

Khalistanis Are A Different Religion, Not Sikh

Khalistanis are fundamentally different from Sikhs; they believe in the Abrahamic god, while Sikhs held the non-unary and non-binary belief

MSP Is Already Wrong; Farmers Are Demanding Worse

Ten reasons that make the MSP and several other factors in Indian management of agriculture, farmer politics and economics of farming wrong

NCB को मिली हुई खुली छूट पंजाब में बड़े माफ़िया के गले तक पहुँचेगी

अब जब ये चर्चा गर्म है कि मोदी ने NCB को खुली छूट दे दी है ड्रग माफ़िया को कुचलने के लिए तब पंजाब में उथल पुथल होना स्वाभाविक है

Gill Breathed Life Into A Nation In Muddy Waters

The world remembers Kanwar Pal Singh Gill as the super-cop who ended terrorism in Punjab. I personally remember him...