State president of the Samajwadi Party’s Maharashtra unit and MLA Abu Asim Azmi in a paranoid statement to Muslims of the country said today that members of the community must ensure all their government-certified documents were in order. Speaking at the annual conference of the Shikalgar Jamaat Trust held in Kurla, he said that the situation in the country was very bad.
In a speech that swung from reason to delusion, Azmi said that Muslims should register their names in the voter list and double-check whether their names were included in the voter list. “Because even after you have voted once, your name can be removed from the voter list, hence you must register your name and also check it,” he said.
MLA Azmi said that no party in the country today was ready to take Muslims along because drawing Muslims to the party platform might repel non-Muslims away. “Because of this, such an environment has been created here that even good and secular Hindus are moving away from Muslims,” the rabble-rouser said.
“It is necessary for every Muslim to vote for the existence of the Constitution and democratic values. It is important to vote for candidates who are secular and not incite riots in the name of caste and religion,” the SP leader said.
Azmi said further that an attempt was afoot to get votes by creating hatred by saying Hindus and Muslims were at loggerheads. “Muslims’ progress is possible only when they are equipped with the gem of education,” he said in the part of his speech where he sounded less radical.
History lesson from Azmi: Believe it or not!
But Azmi went bonkers again when he said that this country was called the “sone ki chidiya” (golden bird) when Aurangzeb ruled! “This country provided justice for 52 years (the period of Aurangzeb’s rule in the 17th-18th century), but now even taking the name of Aurangzeb can send him to jail in a hate campaign,” he said.
[History check: India had been referred to as ‘sone ki chidiya‘ at different points of time between 3000 BCE and around CE 10th century]
“To protect the constitution, we should emphasise education. When we are highly qualified, we will bring glory to this country and community. If there is no political courage and wisdom, we may be prevented from offering namaz in future,” he said, adding, “Hence, political courage is very important among Muslims.”
The Samajwadi Party leader had raised this ‘concern’ before.