The state's home department issued the circular on 8 April on observing that petitions seeking conversion to Buddhism were not being processed as per rules
At around 5:30 AM, an individual threw what looked like some combustible material at the door of the Shankaracharya mutt in an attempt to set it ablaze
हालांकि मीडिया ने ऐसी अवधारणा बनाई है कि "love jihad" हिन्दू दक्षिणपंथियों द्वारा रचित एक षड़यंत्र सूत्र है, इसका प्रयोग सबसे पहले केरल के ईसाइयों ने किया था
Neither government engineers nor other experts the media talked to are sure of any theory explaining the Morbi bridge collapse except that it was overloaded