Tag: Gujarat

Surya tilak on Ram Lalla’s forehead: Science explained

Many Hindu temples perform Surya tilak or abhishekas, using unique architectural techniques to illuminate idols with sunlight at predetermined times

Conversion to even Buddhism must be registered in Gujarat

The state's home department issued the circular on 8 April on observing that petitions seeking conversion to Buddhism were not being processed as per rules

7 Muslims arrested for selling samosas stuffed with beef in Gujarat

There have been many incidents of food jihad by Muslims who adulterate food, spit on it or masquerade as Hindus at pilgrimage centres

Shankaracharya mutt in Gujarat attacked with STSJ message

At around 5:30 AM, an individual threw what looked like some combustible material at the door of the Shankaracharya mutt in an attempt to set it ablaze

CBFC censors ‘Hindu’, ‘Gujarat’ from Bengali film

It appears that Sada Ronger Prithibi mentions both 'Gujarat' and 'Hindu' either sarcastically or disapprovingly through dialogues by its characters

Love jihad रोकने को एकजुट गुजरात, केरल की संस्थाएँ

हालांकि मीडिया ने ऐसी अवधारणा बनाई है कि "love jihad" हिन्दू दक्षिणपंथियों द्वारा रचित एक षड़यंत्र सूत्र है, इसका प्रयोग सबसे पहले केरल के ईसाइयों ने किया था

Morbi bridge collapse intrigues experts

Neither government engineers nor other experts the media talked to are sure of any theory explaining the Morbi bridge collapse except that it was overloaded

Child Custody Custom Of Dawoodi Bohra Muslims Must Be Struck Down

A woman from the Bohra Community had knocked on the doors of the Supreme Court, seeking to end an extremely biased custom of child custody

ममता 2013 के कांग्रेसी कार्यक्रम में मोदी के व्यवहार से सीख लें

2013 के कार्यक्रम में मौजूद कांग्रेसी मोदी के प्रति वैमनस्य का भाव रखते थे, पर तत्कालीन गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री ने स्थिति ममता से बेहतर संभाली

सूरत का आदिल सलीम नूरानी यूँ करता था हिन्दुओं की भावनाओं का बिज़नस

अब यह धूर्त अपने रेस्टोरेंट का नाम कसाई थाल हलाल थाल इत्यादि नहीं रखकर अब हिंदुओं के नाम पर रखकर हिंदुओं से पैसा कमा रहे हैं

Menstruation Narrative In Media Uneducated About Hinduism

The reduction of complex, multi-dimensional Hindu prescriptions on menstruation rooted in a range of principles to 'impurity' is problematic

Must India Invest In Donald Trump?

As many of his cabinet picks know, to their eternal regret and shame, his commitment lasts only as long as you are gullible