Tag: riot

Nupur Sharma to Rahul Gandhi: If Hindus are violent, why do I need round-the-clock protection?

Nupur Sharma referred to the recent speech by Congress's Rahul Gandhi in the parliament where he said those who call themselves Hindu are violent all the time

Hindu woman loses eye in violence following attempt to open Eidgah gate in front of Hanuman Mandir in Jodhpur

The Hindu woman who lost an eye said that her grandson was playing outside the house at around 9:30 PM on Friday when she heard noises from outside

Bellur in Karnataka tense as mob attacks Hindu youths

Several residents of Bellur, including women, organised a protest outside the local police station, demanding strict action against the perpetrators

Temple Thailand, Cambodia fighting over for 100 years

In April 2009, Thai soldiers damaged 66 stones of the temple by firing across the border; In February 2010, Cambodia formally complained to Google Maps

Haldwani Hindus read the riot act, NGO cries foul

A rag-tag coalition of Muslims and secular Hindus have complained to the DGP that Muslim businessmen are being threatened to leave Haldwani following the 8 February riot

CAA की उम्मीद से दौड़ी पाकिस्तानी हिंदुओं के बीच आशा की लहर

CAA पाकिस्तान, बांग्लादेश और अफ़ग़ानिस्तान जैसे देशों के हिंदुओं, बौद्धों, जैनियों, सिखों और ईसाइयों को देश में सात साल के निवास के बाद भारतीय नागरिकता के योग्य बनाता है

Mosque merely ruse for rioters to intimidate authority in Uttarakhand

Half-an-hour after the encroachment was removed, rioters resorted to arson and pelted stones on the cops and municipal officers from rooftops around the mosque

CAA लागू होने वाला है? राष्ट्रपति ने दिए संकेत

एक तरफ़ ग़लत सूचना के आधार पर CAA के विरोध में मुसलमानों ने दंगा किया, वहीं शरणार्थी अब तक बिना नागरिक अधिकारों के झुग्गियों में जीवन बसर करने को मजबूर हैं

Gopal ‘Patha’: Saviour Of Hindus On 16 August 1946

Gopal Patha was 33 when Suhrawardy and Jinnah’s diabolical genocide of Hindus committed themselves to converting Calcutta wholly Muslim

Bengaluru Burned As Muslim Congressmen Fought To Emerge ‘Tallest’ In Community

The Bengaluru riot was a result of the BZ Zameer Ahmed-versus-Rizwan Arshad/Roshan Baig feud in Karnataka Congress over control of the state

Hindu Americans At Political Crossroads

The right-identifying Hindu community seems more invested in denying the existence of any form of discrimination except Hinduphobia

सफ़ूरा ज़रगर गर्भावस्था में दंगा करवा सकती हैं, जेल नहीं जा सकतीं?

सफ़ूरा के पति का पात्र वास्तविक है या काल्पनिक, इस प्रश्न को आप लांछन कह सकते हैं, पर लोगों की जान से खेलना व्यक्तिगत विषय नहीं हो सकता