Tag: Sonia Gandhi

Why Homecoming of Rama Took 500 Years

Atheist Nehru, opportunist Indira, unsure Rajiv, tentative Rao, callous Sonia Gandhi ensured the delay in establishing Rama in his home

Mamata In Delhi: Veni, Vidi, No Vici Yet

The rest of India will await an equitable distribution of poverty as West Bengal has successfully practised since 1977, should Mamata Banerjee's dream come true

Machiavellian Maino Gandhi: Not For People, Only Politics

Wasn't the offer from Sonia Gandhi-led INC part of their design to ensure this country suffers more? That social distancing becomes a farce?

Sonia Gandhi’s ‘Unhappiness’ Bad News For India

On seeing Tablighi Jamaat members who returned from the Nizamuddin Markaz quarantined, will Sonia Gandhi urge people to hit the streets again?

Opposition Drove The Vehicle Of Delhi Riots

Intelligence and the police together partly share the blame, besides the political intrigues of the opposition that were tragically brought into play

तवलीन सिंह, यह कैसा स्वाभिमान?

‘जिस मोदी सरकार का पांच साल सपोर्ट किया उसी ने मेरे बेटे को देश निकाला दे दिया,’ तवलीन सिंह ने लिखा। क्या आपने किसी क़ीमत के बदले समर्थन किया?

Digvijaya in the eye of a raging political storm in MP

The view that Digvijaya was the real power behind Kamal Nath has been around ever since the Congress was voted to power in December 2018

Sonia Gandhi Is More Than A Mummy That Returned

Sonia Gandhi is a formidable contender, which Rahul Gandhi could never be, the right wing that is making fun of the Congress must reckon

कांग्रेस की विभाजक नीति को कर्नाटक ने किया अस्वीकार

भारत की चुनावी राजनीति में असफल होने का जैसा अनूठा रिकॉर्ड राहुल गांधी ने बनाया है, उसे तोड़ पाना...

ईवीएम के बाद अब कोर्ट से बैर

कुछ विपक्षी दलों ने अपनी नाकामी छिपाने का नायाब तरीका निकाला है। यदि जनता की अदालत में पराजित हुए,...

What No Journalist Asks Sonia Gandhi

Quite a few years after Sonia Gandhi was seen and heard talking to a journalist of her choice —...

Bank Frauds & India’s Curse Of Socialism

The revelation of the facts that two companies tenuously linked to the son-in-law of Sonia Gandhi’s trusted man Ahmed...