The TTD has decided to set up a platform to provide an opportunity for people of any faith to declare their faith in Hinduism and adopt the eternal way of life
The state's home department issued the circular on 8 April on observing that petitions seeking conversion to Buddhism were not being processed as per rules
This is the first case where the prosecution has secured a life term for the convict under the law against love jihad, a Muslim ploy to engineer a demographic change
While Ansaris are weavers in India and ‘Ansar’ is Arabic for ‘warrior’, the ‘ghar wapsi’ brigade did a yajnopavita sanskara to turn Salim into Vedvrat Shukla
तिरुमला तिरुपति देवस्थानम् के अध्यक्ष भूमना करुणाकर रेड्डी ने याद दिलाया कि अतीत में भी TTD ने दलित गोविंदम, कल्याणमस्तु और कैसिका द्वादशी जैसे कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए थे
हालांकि मीडिया ने ऐसी अवधारणा बनाई है कि "love jihad" हिन्दू दक्षिणपंथियों द्वारा रचित एक षड़यंत्र सूत्र है, इसका प्रयोग सबसे पहले केरल के ईसाइयों ने किया था
Chhattisgarh CM Vishnudev Sai took note of the unsuccessful parleys of Hindus with the then-government of the Congress and resolved to take appropriate action